
‘Footfall is as engaging as it gets. Cassandra James is . . . a terrific character, beautifully honed from seemingly staid academic to feisty heroine . . . a truly breathtaking read.’


An Air That Kills by Christine Poulson

How long can you hold your breath?

The atmosphere in the lab is toxic.

It is only a matter of time before there is a flu pandemic with the potential to kill billions. Or so wealthy entrepreneur Lyle Lynstrum believes. That is why he is funding research into transgenics – the mechanism by which viruses can jump the species barrier – at a high security lab on a tidal island off the North Devon coast.

A suspiciously rapid turnover of staff has him worried. He sends in scientist Katie Flanagan as an undercover lab technician. Something is clearly very wrong, but before Katie can get to the bottom of what is going on, a colleague is struck down by a mysterious illness.

Has the safety of the facility been compromised, allowing a deadly virus to escape? Katie begins to suspect that the scientists are as deadly as the diseases – and that her cover has been blown.

Then the island is cut off by high seas and a terrifying game of cat-and-mouse begins…

An Air That Kills is available in Paperback from
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Reviews for An Air That Kills

“unputdownable thriller … unbearably tense … a master of the medical mystery …”
JAKE KERRIDGE, Sunday Express

“Poulson is currently unrivalled as a writer of scientific mysteries combining elements of both the thriller and the whodunnit.”
Morning Star

“Nobody writes medical mysteries with more authority than Christine Poulson.”
PETER LOVESEY, author of Killing with Confetti

“A thrilling, thought-provoking read. A real page-turner.”
KATE ELLIS, author of The Mechanical Devil

“The stakes are high, the suspects are many and the solution is satisfying. I loved it.”
CATRIONA McPHERSON, author of Strangers at the Gate

“An intelligent, interesting, eloquent mystery that fairly bristles with whodunit verve. Christine … brings the lab to life, makes the threat of the diseases feel so very real, and sets a fabulously chilling undertone. I suspected everyone, and could almost feel myself glaring at them as I read. An Air That Kills takes a deadly subject, ramps up the tension, and releases a wonderfully readable and thrilling mystery for your enjoyment.”

“This is an on the edge of your seat read and highly recommended.”

“A really intricately woven web of deceit and lies, with great details based around scientific laboratories, a great sleuths tale that will keep you on your toes and ensure you watch out for mosquitos.”
What I Read Now

“Christine has written the book in a clever way where the readers and immediately drawn in.”
Sarah’s Book Reviews

“Highly recommended to lovers of thrillers- especially those who can hold their breath!”
Rachel Read It

“This is such an addictive fast-paced thriller that I couldn’t put the book down.”
Feed The Crime

“Gripping and scarily realistic… I read this in one sitting. Great characters and a clever, believable plot, what more could you ask for. I can thoroughly recommend it.”
The Bookwormery

“Christine Poulson has written a complex and superbly plotted thriller, with believable characters you quickly come to care about. It’s a tale that will get your pulse racing, desperate to see where the clever writing is going to take you next.”
Cal Turner Reviews

“A very enjoyable crime thriller which repays you for the reading.”
Books, Life and Everything

Blog Tour for An Air That Kills – read the full reviews

Guest Blogs for An Air That Kills

Do You Write Under Your Own Name
“‘Where do you get your ideas?’ That’s a question that writers are often asked, and in truth they can come from anywhere. They can be ripped from today’s headlines or they can have lain dormant in your memory for decades. In the case of my new novel, An Air That Kills, it was both. DoYouWriteUnderYourOwnName

Murder by Mosquito: Christine Poulson talks to Crime Time

Female First
Seven things I want my readers to know about me by Christine Poulson