
‘a fast paced thriller. The author is a good storyteller, keeping the suspense throughout.’ [Invisible]


Old crime writers don’t die . . .

. . . they just lose the plot. Which I am afraid is what has happened in the case of a recent novel by a writer I have often enjoyed – and have very much admired – in the past. I was well into the book, when I stopped and put it down a sigh. I simply did not believe a word of it. No senior police officer would behave as this one was behaving, even allowing for the fact that fictional detectives often don’t behave like real ones. This was just too implausible. The poor old boy would have been put out to grass long ago. And there was something else: the young people in the novel didn’t ring true. This can be a problem for any writer over forty if they don’t have children or otherwise rub shoulders with the younger generation, but it is something that has to be overcome by the conscientious writer. Perhaps this writer just didn’t have the energy or appetite to do the research. Writers don’t have to retire – it is one of pluses of the writing life – but sometimes they should.
However, one writer who has been in the writing game for quite a while and who just goes from strength to strength is Martin Cruz Smith. I read GORKY PARK when it first came out years and years ago, but hadn’t read much more by him until I picked up another of the Arkady Renko series, STALIN’S GHOST, at an airport bookshop a couple of years ago. It was excellent, and even better was WOLVES EAT DOGS, which I have read more recently. It is set in the blighted hinterland around the Chernobyl nuclear power station. Superbly researched, gripping throughout, convincing in every detail, sad, yet exhilarating: I put this novel down with a sigh, too, but this time it was a sigh of admiration. WOLVES EAT DOGS is a great read and a masterclass in writing crime fiction.

PS. Sorry to have absent: technical problems which it has taken a while to sort out.


  1. lyn
    March 27, 2010

    Hello, I’ve just discovered your blog (thanks to Martin Edwards) & I’ve enjoyed reading through your archive. I love your Cassandra James novels & I’m glad to see that you’re writing a new one. I’m looking forward to it, I love academic mysteries.

  2. Minnie
    March 27, 2010

    Arrived from Martin Edwards’s blog. Congratulations on your new role with the CWA.
    Yes, couldn’t agree more about Martin Cruz Smith! (And appreciate very much the fact that you didn’t name the writer whose work you found less than convincing: life too short for knocking copy – and there’s too much competition already!).
    Looking forward to becoming re-acquainted with Cassandra (& Bill Bailey).

  3. Christine
    March 29, 2010

    I’m pleased that you visited.
    Yes, as Jane Austen said ‘let other pens dwell on guilt and misery’. I prefer on the whole not to give bad reviews.

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