
‘Christine Poulson’s wonderful sense of place brings Cambridge to life. Cassie overcomes the problems facing her with wit and guile aplenty and ensures the reader’s empathy from first word to last . . . an enthralling and engaging read that underlines Christine’s burgeoning reputation as a crime novelist to watch.’ [Stage Fright]


I Actually Wore This

51mrUGc7loL._AC_US218_I was going to write that it is a long time since a book review made me cry with laughter. But on reflection I don’t think a book review has ever made me cry with laughter. Not until I read a review of I Actually Wore This: Clothes We Can’t Believe We Bought by Tom Coleman with photographs by Jerome Jakubiec in the i newspaper a couple of weeks ago. The review was titled ‘Taste Takes a Holiday.’ Coleman wanted to put together a funny book about fashion and he has succeeded. He persuaded 80 brave souls to chose a garment that represented a disastrous lapse in judgement, explain how they came to buy it and then – genius! – to be photographed in it. I am laughing all over again at the photographs that illustrated the review. It is hard to pick a front-runner, but the yeti suit worn by Tim Convery to go clubbing is a lulu.

20170527_171227This set me thinking about my own crimes against fashion. There have been a fair few over the years, but the garments have all been discreetly disposed of in charity shops and I was careful not to be photographed in them. Except, yes, a rummage in a box of photographs turned up one of me wearing some very unflattering striped dungarees sometime in the 1980s. I looked like a giant toddler – or maybe a deckchair. And, oh dear, those enormous glasses.

I would love to hear about the memories that make you cringe. Kipper ties? Shoulder pads? Hot pants? Bring them on . . .



  1. Margot Kinberg
    May 27, 2017

    Oh, I think we’ve all got memories of clothes/hair/glasses embarrassments, Christine! Don’t tell anyone, will you, but I had a pair of ’80s bug-eyed glasses that dwarfed my face. What possessed me?!

    • Christine Poulson
      May 27, 2017

      I had those, too! Not to mention enormous flares a bit earlier . . . When you’re young you just have to wear what everyone else is wearing, so we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves.

  2. Sue Hepworth
    May 28, 2017

    I mourn my dungarees from the 80s. I had three pairs – vivid yellow, emerald, and turquoise. I wish I still had them. They were lost in a fire. But they were a nice cut, Chrissie. (Ahem.)

    • Christine Poulson
      May 28, 2017

      These were my only foray into the world of dungarees – and I remember them being a nuisance when you want a pee.

  3. moira@clothesinbooks
    May 28, 2017

    Love that photo – I think you look like a certain type of street entertainer of the era, ready to do a bit of miming or juggling.
    I think we can be grateful that in our young days there were less photo ops and those awful moments were not shared so readily.
    Luckily no photos, but flashing before my eyes are the jade green flying suit and the shocking pink fake fur jacket I stomped through the 1980s in. When I turned 50 I did a display area at my party of ’50 years of fashion mistakes’ – photos and clothes and accessories – and people still mention them to me, the idea very much resonated I think….

    • Christine Poulson
      May 28, 2017

      What was it about the 1980s? Jade green flying suit! Wow! Yes, a brilliant idea for your party. I intend to get hold of the actual book. There are some clothes though that I remember with affection . . .

  4. Lucy Fisher
    June 2, 2017

    From the top:

    A perm
    A huge thick cardigan in russet tawny yarn
    A polyester midiskirt in white and navy diagonal stripes.

    The only good point about this outfit (circa 1973) is that I can’t remember the shoes.


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