
Invisible’s got an excellent, tense plot, shifting between the two main characters, with a good number of surprises along the way. Poulson always has great, strong women characters, with real lives and feelings . . .  I liked the fact that the depictions of violence and injury were realistic without being over-detailed or gloating . . . It was a pleasure to find a book that did the excitement, the jeopardy and the thrills without putting off this reader . . .  a very good read for anyone.’


A Forgotten Woman Crime Novelist

‘Have you locked up, Nurse Cherry?’ ‘Yes, Nurse Silver.’ ‘Every door, every window?’ ‘Yes, yes.’ Yet even as she shot home the last bolt of the front door, at the back of Nurse Cherry’s mind was a vague misgiving. She had forgotten – something. She was young and pretty, but her expression was anxious. While […]