
‘This is splendidly written fare from the reliable Poulson, written with keen psychological insight.’ [Invisible]


Bodies from the Library


Bodies from the Library has become an annual event. I went for the first time last year and thoroughly enjoyed it, so I was delighted to be invited to speak this year. Sarah Ward and I will be talking about ‘Forgotten Women Authors’. Sarah’s choice is Elizabeth Daly and mine is Ethel Lina White.

I’ve already mentioned Ethel Lina White on the blog: here and here and I have plenty more to say about her. I love the fact that she didn’t publish her first crime novel until she was fifty-five and yet her third novel, Some Must Watch, became a Hollywood movie and her fifth, The Wheel Spins, was filmed by Hitchcock as The Lady Vanishes. She was a best-seller in her day and wrote the kind of suspense that sets your heart racing. Yet she is little-known now. If you want to know more, come along on the 17th June!





  1. Margot Kinberg
    May 10, 2017

    Oh, how exciting, Christine! Delighted for you! I know you’ll do a fascinating presentation.

  2. tracybham
    May 10, 2017

    I do hope you include some information on your presentation here after the event. I have read nothing by Ethel Lina White (OK, one short story) and want to read more. I have read lots by Elizabeth Daly but it has been years. I loved her books but I have read some less than complimentary reviews recently.

    • Christine Poulson
      May 11, 2017

      Thanks. Tracy. Yes, I’ll do that. Must try Elizabeth Daly. Looking forward to hearing what Sarah has to say about her.

  3. Helen Hardie
    May 11, 2017

    Please do!


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