
Invisible’s got an excellent, tense plot, shifting between the two main characters, with a good number of surprises along the way. Poulson always has great, strong women characters, with real lives and feelings . . .  I liked the fact that the depictions of violence and injury were realistic without being over-detailed or gloating . . . It was a pleasure to find a book that did the excitement, the jeopardy and the thrills without putting off this reader . . .  a very good read for anyone.’


American Hustle

Posted on Jan 10, 2014 in American Hustle, Christian Bale | No Comments

We saw this scam movie at the cinema last week. There weren’t any huge surprises. I felt it was a bit long and would have been improved by tighter editing. For me any film that runs over two hours has to earn its keep. In the end this did, because the acting was superb. It has a brilliant opening: we watch as Christian Bale, who plays the conman, slowly and painstakingly contructs a comb-over with the help of a hairpiece, glue and hair-spray, highly appropriate as the whole film is all about cheating and illusion. Do they give Oscars for hair stylists? They ought to.In truth the hair styles were the stars of this movie. Did we really look like that in the seventies? The whole ambiance – the wallpaper, the clothes (those lapels!), the disco (strobe lighting and Donna Summer) – was so lovingly created that for me it carried the film.

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