
‘One of those rare gems that comes to the reviewer out of the blue . . . enough twists to shame a cobra . . . the story fairly rips along, defying the reader to put the book down . . . Christine Poulson should be heralded as the fine entrant to the world of crime fiction she most certainly is.’ [Stage Fright]


My first ever blog tour!

Posted on Nov 19, 2019 in An Air That Kills, blog tour | 2 Comments

My new Katie Flanagan mystery, An Air That Kills, comes out on Friday. An author’s work is not over when she has delivered the final draft to her editor, or even when she has sent back the corrected proofs. Far from it. There is still all that is involved in trying to promote the novel. So for the last week or two, I have been writing pieces for other people’s blogs and web-sites. I’ll be putting up links as they appear. And this time there is actually a blog tour – which is a thrill! I’ve never had one before!

Soon I’ll be getting back to the next writing project, but for now I’ll try to make the most of my little bit of  time in the spotlight and as for Friday – the bottle of wine is already cooling in the fridge. Of course I hope the book will do well and I am very grateful to my lovely publishers for the effort they have been putting into PR. And I love the striking cover design. But for now, whatever happens, simply being published and having a new book out will be ample reason for raising a glass or two.


  1. Margot Kinberg
    November 19, 2019

    Oh, Congratulations, Christine!!! I am absolutely delighted for you! Wishing you much success! I look forward to reading it.

    • Christine Poulson
      November 19, 2019

      So lovely to get this from you, Margot. Thanks so much. You have cheered up a cold grey autumnal day here in Derbyshire.


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